Without a shadow of doubt treating patients with lips fillers is one of my most popular treatments. Why? You may ask. It’s simple, my style of applying lip fillers regardless of the age group, is to achieve a natural look.
One of my approaches is a two step process where I build the lip, and then add an additional amount two weeks later. This works really well especially for thin and flat lips.

I do not provide the ‘Russian lip’ or shapes that are outside of your natural lip shape I personally find this look unrealistic and distorted.
How much lip filler will you need: this is all dependent on the size of your natural lip volume and what you’d like to achieve.
A comprehensive consultation will be carried out so we can develop a treatment plan for your new beautiful lips.
This patients main concern was her upper lips bar codes commonly known as smokers line (even though a non smoker), and her downturned smile.
As you can see the width between the upper lip and below the nose, after placing filler, has been reduced therefore helping reduce the telltale signs of ageing. Her downward turned smile is more upturned to. The after picture was immediately after placing her filler and it was her second session.
This lovely young 26 year old patient wanted a global improvement in her lip area, she was super conscious of them and her main concern was she felt like she had no lip. Also to wear lipstick, especially at an age where you want to be out a lot, was making her feel upset because how thin her lips were. These lips were treated twice in the space of two weeks then a year later for the final result. She was so happy because it raised her self confidence and simply made her happy.
A small amount of filler was placed in her labio-mental crease to take the dark shadow away, which otherwise looked like an upturned chin for a very young lady.
